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What is XSS? Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a client-side code injection attack. The attacker wants to execute malicious scripts in the victim's web...
JavaScript Object Notation is simply a data representation format. It's very similar to XML and it's used for almost every API, widely across the...
It's sometimes hard to get a straight answer, but if we focus simply on the architectural design details the difference becomes quite clear. · Let's take...
I wanted to learn shortcuts. I used to have that with learning drums. I wanted to play the best solos, the most interesting and complicated rhythms....
When creating a project in figma, I came to the conclusion whether a front end developer should know and use figma? Since you work with User...
As a Front-end developer you'll work on the functionality of the app. You'll translate all those cool buttons, pictures and charts in code, make sure...